One year later: thankfulness

Today my friend Courtney at the Fort Worth JDRF chapter connected me with a fellow Type 1 wanting to start a family. She wanted some perspective of moms that have been through the process. I don’t claim to be an expert on T1D and pregnancy, but I was happy to share our experience.

We chatted about prepping for pregnancy– A1C numbers, low blood sugars, and even regular pregnancy stuff like vitamin brands. Truthfully it had been a long time since I thought back to late 2016/early 2017, but it brought up so much – the anxiousness of keeping tight control, the excitement of the unknown, and the joy of a little human growing inside me.

That reflection, coupled with 

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T1D and … Pregnancy!

There is big news in our household…Baby Grey is coming in July! As big of news as this is, you may be wondering why I haven’t been blogging about it! The truth is, I have been so occupied with managing my Type 1 Diabetes and pregnancy, that it has taken me time to 1) decide how I wanted to write about it 2) what I wanted to say and  3) sit down and DO it!

So, I thought I would start the first of many blog posts on some of the basics of T1D and pregnancy. Here are the usual questions I got when announcing the news to

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Technology of a T1D: breaking it down

In the T1D universe, it’s common to throw around technology names. CGMs, PDMs, meters, pods, pumps and more are a part of our everyday language, and they are quite literally our lifelines.

To a non-T1D, these terms can be intimidating. What’s an Omnipod? Why do you still have to prick your finger if you wear a CGM? Do you still have to take shots? You see what I mean.

So, I am dedicating this post to breaking down my technology — step by step, device by device…for anyone interested, or anyone familiar with T1D and just curious about the technology I personally use. As I’ll note later, I love questions, and hope this post spurs more of them!

Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)

Let’s start with the newest technology to grace my skin…the continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to see what my glucose levels are at all times. I use the Dexcom G5, and so far it’s worked out great. The CGM has a few different components to it, which I will gladly refer to the provided Dexcom graph:


A – this is a small sensor located just underneath my skin, which measures my glucose levels.

B – this is a transmitter, which basically connects the sensor information to a display device (C). I wear the sensor/transmitter either on my arm or tummy (see my main blog photo). I haven’t tried the leg yet.

C – The display device can either be the handy pager-looking machine or on an App on your smartphone. I personally only use the smartphone.

It works out perfectly for me because, let’s face it –

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A special thank you to Dad

To me at 5 years old, “diabetes” really only meant I had to have regular, painful injections and absolutely, never, ever have candy …(with thanks to pumps and updated nutrition is a bygone of the past). Any time I eyed candy I still remember dad saying to me, “remember that girl in the hospital bed next to you that ate a Kit-Kat bar and wound up in the hospital?” Yeah…thank you, girl who ate a kit kat and wound up in the hospital…I thought I would never hear the end of that example.

Back to dad. I relied on my parents completely, and looking back, I don’t know how they did it. My mom went back to school to be a nurse so she could learn how to better help me (trying to avoid grabbing a tissue here, that will be for a later post) and my dad used humor, thoughtfulness and tested EVERYTHING before I did. And I mean everything. Pricking his finger, getting a shot, tasting my drink to make sure it wasn’t a regular Coke…you name it.

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Me and Dad at Niagara Falls. You can’t see it here, but on my little finger was a bright blue band-aid from testing my blood sugar just before we went across this bridge. He kept all my diabetic supplies in that little bag on his back.

I remember being in that sterile hospital room and having the nurse prick my finger to check my blood sugar. With the large blood sample that was required, and obvious pain, I hated it! My dad, being the warm, caring dad he is, with a silly side he shares with few, let the nurse prick him before I was pricked. I still remember it like it was yesterday! He yelled out a whopping OUUUUCH!! And shook out his hand, which made me bust into endless giggles.

He also came up with a special song to sing to me before he would give me injections, “a frog went a courtin’ and he did ride…” Now, I realize it may have been to comfort himself just as much as it was meant to comfort me! You would think the hearing that song would bring back memories of painful anticipation before feeling the sting of a shot,  but it was such a comfort at the time that it only makes me smile. It was consistent and sweet.

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Me and Dad in Dallas when he came to visit a few years ago. We always make the most of our time together!

So, in the wake of dear old Dad’s Day on Sunday, thank you Dad. Thank you for the way you cared for me when I needed you most, and the way you continue to care for me. Thank you for all of the special times not related to diabetes at all. Thank you for being there in all aspects of my life to listen, impart wisdom be quick to love.

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