One year later: thankfulness

Today my friend Courtney at the Fort Worth JDRF chapter connected me with a fellow Type 1 wanting to start a family. She wanted some perspective of moms that have been through the process. I don’t claim to be an expert on T1D and pregnancy, but I was happy to share our experience.

We chatted about prepping for pregnancy– A1C numbers, low blood sugars, and even regular pregnancy stuff like vitamin brands. Truthfully it had been a long time since I thought back to late 2016/early 2017, but it brought up so much – the anxiousness of keeping tight control, the excitement of the unknown, and the joy of a little human growing inside me.

That reflection, coupled with 

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Meeting our baby … so close!

It’s so surreal, but by this weekend we will have our baby in our arms! My attempt was to document every part of this journey with pregnancy and T1D, but I underestimated the time it would take to actually manage both – let alone pregnancy alone and all that it encompasses. It’s even spilled over to other areas that non-high risk mamas seem to so gracefully accomplish by 20 weeks…a theme for the nursery (I still don’t know how to answer that), getting the nursery completed early on (we JUST got it finished), picking out and monogramming going home outfits (thankful for my mom and mother-in-law who made a fun day out of picking these items out).

Truthfully all of these things have moved to the back burner in place of my, and the baby’s health.

Ready or not, here comes motherhood!

To be fair, even with the discomfort of late pregnancy and the July heat, I feel blessed with how this pregnancy has gone. I’ve had a doctor’s appointment every week with either my endocrinologist or OBGYN, and thankful that every appointment has gone smoothly. As a precaution for diabetics, I am being induced

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T1D and … Pregnancy!

There is big news in our household…Baby Grey is coming in July! As big of news as this is, you may be wondering why I haven’t been blogging about it! The truth is, I have been so occupied with managing my Type 1 Diabetes and pregnancy, that it has taken me time to 1) decide how I wanted to write about it 2) what I wanted to say and  3) sit down and DO it!

So, I thought I would start the first of many blog posts on some of the basics of T1D and pregnancy. Here are the usual questions I got when announcing the news to

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T1D Footprint

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. JDRF had a brilliant idea where any T1D could create their footprint. Here is mine!


Should I be surprised by these numbers? Probably. But after 24 years of living with T1D, I have learned and decided to take everything one day at a time. Sometimes, one finger prick at a time… or one site change at a time… (no matter how frustrating it can be when we have a high or low number, or a site change I JUST put in that decided it didn’t want to work). Can I get an AMEN??

One of the revelations I did have from looking at these numbers is

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An A1C Journey

I had my next post drafted….but that can wait. I had an appointment with my endocrinologist yesterday that I had to share. Please note that I find braggy posts annoying, and this is not one of them. This is about my journey of trying to get my A1C into the 6’s and how after lots of hard work (and let’s face it, some tears), it’s finally paying off!


Last night we celebrated my A1C win with a delicious carb filled meal at Lucia. Who else has celebrated a good A1C with a delicious food!?

For non-T1Ds or those not as close to it, the A1C test measures what percentage of your hemoglobin — a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen — is coated with sugar (glycated). The test is limited to a 3-month average because the lifespan of a red blood cell is 3 months. So, that’s a fancy way of saying

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